You can create the life you want
Many clients, friends and connections all around the world are telling me how they’re painfully realizing that they’re not as happy as they thought they were.
Choices that made sense a few years earlier now seem just plain wrong, as if someone else had decided for them. Some even admitted they never took the time to reflect on what they really wanted and just let life happen to them.
Read also: “Your choices determine your life”
This year, forced to work from home and be 24/7 with their partners and children many started questioning the direction of their own life, career and relationships.
It takes a lot of courage to look at yourself in the mirror and admit you don’t really like (anymore) what you worked so hard to create. As painful as this moment of awareness can be it can also lead to a newfound sense of commitment. The commitment to rebuild or create the life you want.
But how can you do that? How can you trust this time you will make the right calls? And what if you don’t want to throw it all away, but just tweak a couple of things here and there? How do you start changing things around?
1 – Know what you stand for
Very often the reason why people find themselves stuck in a life (or job, or relationship) they don’t like is they don’t know what they stand for.
They don’t know what truly matters to them, what they believe in and what is essential for them to feel satisfied. Simply put, they don’t know their core values.
Knowing your core values is the first step to make choices that will allow you to have a fulfilling life. If you’ve never taken the time to ask yourself what you believe in or what you need in order to feel happy you’ve probably just lived on autopilot.
Then one day you wake up during a pandemic (or any other type of crisis) and you wonder why the hell you chose that career or why you’re living in a big city when you hate traffic and crowds.
Read also: “What’s your life purpose?”
2 – Envision the life you wish to live
Whatever your goal is, you need to envision how your life will be once you reach it.
The more clearly you can imagine it, describe it and “feel” it, the easier it will be for you to work towards it.
For example, if you wish to improve the relationship with your partner, you need to envision how you would like it to be. How would your days together be? How would you talk to each other? How would it be different from how it used to be before?
If you want to change career, you need to envision how your new job will be. What exactly will you do? What will you not do anymore? Which skills will you use? How much will you earn?
Get my free guide “Turn your passion into a business in 3 easy steps”
Being specific is the key to create the changes that you want. If you don’t what you’re looking for, how can you even find it?
3 – Overcome inner resistance
Your mind can be either your ally or your worst enemy. What you believe to be possible for you (and for others) or not depends on your personal experience. Your own idea of the world and of life itself is based on all the beliefs and opinions you have accumulated over the years.
This is how you see things and how you see them determines your choices and your actions. The problem is you may not be fully aware that some of your beliefs are limiting you instead of empowering you.
Learn how coaching can help you overcome inner resistance
Overcoming your inner resistance by yourself isn’t easy, this is why so many people work with coaches to achieve their goals. Many of my clients come to me because no matter how hard they try to change things in their lives they can’t get past their own limiting beliefs.
4 – Set clear goals
Sounds easy right?
You want to get in shape, or you want to start a business, or move somewhere else.
OK, but what exactly do you mean by “getting in shape”? How many kilos or pounds do you want to lose? By when? And how are you going to do that? Diet? Which one? Exercise? What kind? How often?
Ok, I think I made my point now! I don’t think I need to go through the other examples!
The clearer and more detailed your goals and “action plans” to achieve them are, the easier it will be for you to get the results you want.
5 – Act!
You may think it’s obvious, but you have no idea how many people never really do that!
They dream, they talk, they read books or watch videos about all the things they want to do or change, but they never act!
Taking action can be scary sometimes, but it’s the only way to move forward and to experience progress and growth.
When you stop dreaming and start doing you get feedbacks from reality and those feedback show you what works or not and how your ideas and decisions are helping you changing or improving your life.
In the end, you learn a lot more by making a mistake than by doing absolutely nothing.
I know changing can be difficult, especially when we want to change ourselves, but it’s always possible!
You just need to accept that it will take time, patience and discipline.
If you’re longing for some change in your life or are undergoing a major transition or transformation, I can help you get to the other side safely and happily!
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