Boundaries: why they’re so important and 5 tips to start setting some

by Jan 26, 2021Coaching


Do you know the secret to have happy relationships?

It’s staying single, go live in the middle of nowhere (choose among the top of a mountain, a forest with no direct trail to it, or an island in the middle of an Ocean of your choice) and be completely self-sufficient so you don’t need to have any contacts whatsoever with other human beings!

If only it was possible!

Just kidding, the secret to happy relationships is all in a magic word: boundaries!

But what exactly are boundaries? And why are they so important?

The “Merriam Webster” dictionary defines boundaries as “something that indicates or fixes a limit or extent” and I always say that if you have no boundaries your life doesn’t belong to you!

Now imagine owning a patch of land, a yard, or a garden and having no fence or gate around it. Or think of your own house and envision living in it without a door, so anyone can just walk in and do whatever they want with it, with your stuff and even with you.

Would you allow that? Of course not! That’s why we all have doors or gates and whoever wants to come inside our property must first knock or ring a doorbell and be invited in.

Well, the boundaries you set are your doors, gates and fences.

They define what you allow or not in your life, how you wish to be treated and what is the best way for others to interact with you, so that the relationship is respectful, safe and possibly pleasant.

They are not a form of punishment towards the receiver, even though some people have a hard time accepting and respecting others’ boundaries.

The reason why some individuals may find it difficult to deal with boundaries usually resides in their own lack of them: if someone grow up without any or nobody respected theirs, they may simply not be used to be given limitations and may not feel like they too have the right to set some.

Nevertheless, you (and everyone else) have the right to set personal boundaries, to communicate, enforce and even change them whenever you feel like.

Remember that your boundaries are for you and that you don’t need any approval from anybody to put them in place.

At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide who gets to come into your space and what they can do with you. Whenever you are invited or requested to participate in any interaction you are by default allowed to set your own rules.

Someone wants to go out with you? Then you have the right to say yes or no, when and where, right?!

They need to talk to you? Then you get to decide when, for how long and if by phone or in person. Or not?!

Now that we’ve cleared up what boundaries are and how not having clear ones can lead to frustrating relationships, let’s set some!

Read also:

“Your choices determine your life”

“Turning your passion into a business: is it a good idea?”

“What’s your life purpose?”


1) Know what you want

Before you can set any boundaries, you need to know exactly what you want and need from a certain relationship or interaction. What do you want to experience? What do you find acceptable or not? What are your “rules of engagement”?

Think about that relationship or that specific interaction: what do you like about it? What doesn’t work for you, instead? Which needs are met and which ones aren’t?

Start from what feels uncomfortable to you, that’s a sign that you need to set some boundaries.



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2) Express yourself clearly

Once you know what you want, you have to communicate it clearly. People can’t read your mind, we’re all different, with different needs and different expectations. What you may deem unacceptable in a relationship may be totally fine for someone else, that’s why you must communicate your boundaries clearly, rather than expecting others to just understand.

Decide before hand what you’re going to say, keep it simple and focus on yourself and your needs. Use “I “statements, instead of “you” to avoid the blaming effect.

For example, instead of saying “you always make plans for us without consulting me first” you could say” when making plans for the both of us I want you to consult me first”.

tre amiche di spalle per cambiare vita
donna seria

3) Avoid overexplaining

You don’t need to explain why you’re setting a boundary unless you want to. Keep in mind that offering a reason why you like things to be in a certain way can often lead people to push your boundaries and try and negotiate with you.

For example, if you’re telling a friend not to call you anymore after 9pm because you’re too tired and want to go to bed, they may try and say that they’ll only keep you for a minute and ignore your boundary completely.

My advice is to keep it simple and avoid offering explanations, especially with those you know that will try and push through your boundaries.



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4) Do it in the moment

The best way to set boundaries is by communicating them in the moment.

It’s much easier for people to accept your boundaries (or in general any kind of feedback) if you communicate them as things are happening. Don’t wait for resentment to build up or you’ll end up exploding one day!

If you care about that relationship it would be sad if you ruined it because you lose your temper. At the end of day, we set boundaries because we want that relationship (with a relative, a friend, a partner, a coworker or client) to continue, right? We wouldn’t waste our energy on a relationship we want to end!


5) Don’t give in

Some people have a hard time accepting boundaries, some are pushy by nature and some take everything personal. Don’t give in!

Especially in the beginning, if it’s your first time setting some boundaries with that person, or you are introducing a new boundary in the relationship, you need to be firm and consistent (just as you would be with a toddler who throws a tantrum because she wants something she’s not allowed to have. If you give in once, you’re done!).

Giving in because they guilt trip you or because they get mad at you will only backfire you. Remember that you have the right to set boundaries and that your boundaries don’t need the other part’s approval.

One last thing, if someone constantly ignores or pushes your boundaries it may be a good idea for you to take a step back from them and evaluate whether you still want them in your life. Boundaries are based on mutual respect and if someone doesn’t respect you, well, that’s a red flag.



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This is what some of my clients say about me. Thank you!

Carlo Alestra

Chiara is a very valuable professional. The journey with her was extremely inspiring and thought-provoking. If you’re looking for a coach who can guide you on a path of change or focus on your goals, she is the perfect partner with whom to engage and find the right keys to face your challenges. More than recommended, a certainty!

Carlo Alestra

Agile Leader

Francesco Marcelli Flori

Chiara is a very empathetic and knowledgeable person. With her I embarked on a mentoring path that helped me clarify many doubts I had as a new coach. After this path I gained confidence and Chiara encouraged me in the right way to get my business off the ground, respecting my personality and goals.

Francesco Marcelli Flori

Life Coach

Max Mars

I found the journey with Chiara very inspiring. I appreciated the freedom of the path, which started with a precise direction and then took unexpected but extremely useful evolutions. I highly recommend it to those who want to approach coaching even without having a specific destination in mind. Enjoy the journey, Chiara is great company.

Max Mars

Reporting Specialist

Marco Zara

Excellent Professional! I have created a new path of growth that is now not limited to the now, but is part of my work and I have carved out a space for everything, thinking by priority and not by urgency as it helped me to understand.
I have gained in serenity, I feel much more confident and I know what goals I need to pursue and with what kind of commitment.

Marco Zara

General Manager

Patricia Padilla

After working with Chiara, I was able to identify my personal skills. She helped me get to know myself better and address personal challenges and dilemmas. Chiara brings positivity, solid advice and professionalism to her work.
Best of all, I felt I was talking to a wise friend. She is incredibly approachable and friendly, and I look forward to working with her again in the future. She has the ability to connect easily, and that’s why I would recommend Chiara to anyone.
Very grateful and lucky to have found her!
Thank you for coaching me!

Patricia Padilla

E- Commerce Manager

Paola Bianchi

I found Chiara by chance, surfing on internet. I still remember that day. I’ve always been intrigued by life coaching, but at the same time I was a bit sceptical about the results.
Anyway, as soon as I met Chiara during our discovery call, I realised she was an extraordinary coach and person too.

My (first) round of sessions with her has just come to an end: during these 5 months we’ve worked together on different matters. She’s guided me to ask myself the right questions to get clear on my goals; she’s helped me challenge some of my personal traits that often contribute to unvoluntarily sabotage my own plans and she’s supported me during the darkest moments of my life changing project.

Chiara is the perfect life coach: kind and sweet, yet motivating and energetic. With every word she said and  every piece of advice she gave me I felt the immense passion she has for her job,  her committment to satisfy her “clients” and a real desire to see them succeed.

I’m sure this will only be a break and that we’ll see each other again very soon.”


Paola Bianchi

Francesca Fatichenti

“Chiara supported me with kindness, listening and passion.She’s always been available, even in between sessions. Thank you for everything!”

Francesca Fatichenti


Linda Puglisi

Going on a coaching path with Chiara was incredibly stimulating and regenerating in a delicate phase of my professional life in which I had to question my work and redefine my future career goals. Chiara’s uniqueness as a coach, in addition to being extremely professional, lies in her extraordinary empathy and her ability to establish a relationship of trust with her clients. Chiara is a coach and an authentic professional and was able to transmit passion, courage and motivation to me thanks to a pragmatic approach, focused on practical steps that are never an end in themselves. Thanks to her, I had the opportunity to focus on my future professional goals and create a plan for their effective realization. Chiara has always been genuinely interested in my growth and has really helped me understand how to be a resource for myself and not an obstacle. His questions opened me to new ideas and perspectives and charged me with a new creative energy.
I would recommend Chiara as a coach to acquaintances and not just for the uniqueness of her approach, empathic and authentic, and her genuine interest in the personal fulfillment of her clients, qualities that are difficult to find in such fast professional contexts in which the human aspect is relational often takes a back seat. Heartfelt thanks Chiara for this journey and for opening my eyes.

Linda Puglisi

Human Resources Manager

Fedy Charlie

Chiara was crazy, an excellent professional and a person of heart. It helped me to make sense and above all to ask myself the right questions. I will definitely need her again in the future. Absolutely recommended!

Fedy Charlie

GDO Manager

Ferruccio pastore

“Working with Chiara has been a revealing experience. I had the chance to uncover sides of myself I had never considered before and I also worked on my own potential, which I had been unable to recognize, because I was clouded by negative thoughts.

I never felt judged, and I could talk freely about what was making feel confused. Chiara was also very patient and available even in between sessions if I wanted to reach out to her. Something worth noting is her flexible approach, meaning that she was able to understand what I needed in each moment and therefore to adapt to it.

When I started the sessions, I was deeply confused about various aspects of my life. The first goal was getting some clarity, then we started working towards the goals that emerged during the sessions. I’m glad I manage to unravel those intricated thoughts that had been with me for a while and I also feel full of energy, because I have goals to achieve.

I definitely recommend Chiara, simply because I got so many benefits, some of which become evident even at the end of the program. “

Ferruccio pastore

Teacher and Trainer, London, UK

Alessandra Mudu

“Working with Chiara has been a stimulating and enriching experience. Chiara has been a valuable ally during a transition, fully present even in between sessions.

I really appreciated being able to work on what was coming up in the moment, without forcing things, yet remaining goal oriented.

As a result of working with Chiara I gained a clearer perspective over what I was going through and what I had to let go; I took a break, processed the end of a phase in my life and started over with renewed awareness.

Chiara is open and transparent, she helped me see things from a distance and explore what needed to be healed. Anyone would benefit from working with her and I highly recommend her to all those who tend to challenge themselves. Coaching is for you if you want to take your own personal development to a new level.”

Alessandra Mudu

Digital Marketer, Barcelona, Spain

Khuloud kalthoum

“Chiara is a truly exceptional coach!

Working with her feels like sitting with a good friend and having a heart- felt conversation.
She helped me prepare for my TEDx talk and better understand my “why”.
After each session, I not only got valuable takeaways, but also felt uplifted and motivated to take concrete actions.

Her questions opened my eyes to new possibilities and ideas and her guidance and feedbacks helped me structure my TEDx talk into an informative, inspiring and entertaining narrative.

I’ve already recommended Chiara to my friends, because even in this global economy world, it’s hard to find a good coach, who genuinely cares about you and seeks to provide values before

Khuloud kalthoum

Entrepreneur, TEDx Speaker - Braga, Portugal


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